Update on Appointments, please read 
I wanted to start by firstly thanking you all for your continued patience throughout this unprecedented time. It has been such a tough and complicated task trying to get in touch with everyone who has had appointments cancelled, and rescheduling peoples future appointments to suit our ‘new normal’ of operating. Below are some key factors in how things will operate now and into the future.
We will be booking Appointments 3 months ahead of schedule only.
We will be opening our schedule for appointments 3 months ahead of time only. This means if you have an appointment booked past July 30th it has now been cancelled. If a deposit is attached to any cancelled appointments it has now been refunded to you. If you have any questions regarding this please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Existing Appointments between now and July 30th
Because we are all working different hours and less hours than usual, if you have an appointment with us between now and July 30th it may have been moved to fit in with our new working schedule. You would have received a text letting you know. We have done this to try and make sure that existing appointments take priority and we can secure you a booking. Please check your messages from us and if your new appointment time doesn’t suit, please call us ASAP so we can sort out a new appointment time for you. If you have any queries regarding this or just want to check your appointment, you can do this by calling us or checking via the online booking system.
Booking online is always the best way to get an appointment with Us.
Most of our cancellations happen over the weekend and of an evening while we are closed. This means that appointments become available and are shown on our online booking system before we can get to our cancellations list and call people who are on it. Keeping an eye on our online booking system is the best way to get an appointment with us, and it’s so quick and convenient to use!
The hours we are working.
At present, we are working 28 hours a week each instead of 38. And we are working 1-on-1 with clients (we won’t be seeing other clients for haircuts while your colour is processing). We are working alternate rosters so there is only 3 to 4 stylists working at the one time. The salon will be open Monday to Saturday.
A new, more relaxed Delilah.
If there’s anything I’m good at it’s being thrown a lemon and making lemonade. What this time has revealed to me is that having a quieter salon has been so much better for all of our stress levels and for your comfort in the salon. Once restrictions are lifted (who knows when that will be) we won’t be returning to the crowded salon that we had before. We will be continuing to space out our appointments and working 1-on-1 with our clients. This will keep the salon much calmer, more organized and much more comfortable. There has been and will be some price adjustments to compensate for this new way of working. This means that when you visit us, we can focus solely on you and giving you the best experience possible.
Online Booking.
Our online booking system will be open 3 months ahead of time only. If you have made an online booking for a date past July 30th it has now been cancelled and your deposit has been refunded. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to call us.
We now have a digital waitlist!
Now if you can’t get an appointment with us in the time you would like, you can call us and be put on a digital waitlist. This means when we have a cancellation or an appointment that becomes available for any reason, we have a waitlist that will show us who can fill the available space. We have currently been using pen and paper so this feature will make getting an appointment so much easier for you!
Our new online shop!
Isolation gave me the space and time to do the things that I have had on the back burner for a long time! I’m so happy that our online shop has been launched and it has done so well over the past month. Being able to purchase DELILAH CREAMS online is so exciting, and I’ve been posting them all over Australia! Remember you can also buy your favourite O&M care and styling, your MUK Electricals.
Thanks! Adrian @ Delilah