young woman with blonde hair smiling

6 Reasons Why Balayage is The Best Hair Colouring Technique and Why We Do It Better at Delilah

6 Reasons Why Balayage is The Best Hair Colouring Technique and Why We Do It Better at Delilah

Balayage and hair painting are very popular techniques in hair colouring at the moment—they certainly aren’t going anywhere anytime soon! With their roots in Italian and French traditions in hairdressing, balayage and hair painting are taking the world by storm. They are much smarter and much more beautiful hair colouring techniques than traditional forms of hair colour application, and the advancements are amazing and happening very quickly. All of these terrific hair painting techniques are available at our light and bright hairdressing salon in Brunswick East on Lygon St in Melbourne.

Balayage and hair painting are not just for the young blonde girl with long artificially wavy hair (like you see in most magazines and social media applications). These cutting edge colouring techniques are for anybody who wants beautiful hair. Long or short, old or young, balayage is designed to bring out the natural beauty in your hair.

Here are 6 reasons why balayage is the perfect colouring technique, and why we do it better at Delilah!

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1. Bring Out the Natural Texture of Your Hair

If you’re looking to bring out what your hair has to offer naturally, Balayage is the best and most advanced colouring technique on the market. A proper balayage or hair painting will be placed precisely in accordance to what you want to accentuate (or disguise!) in your hair. From a few sun kissed pieces, to a stunning platinum blonde, and all the colours in between, balayage and hair painting are designed to bring out the most  beautiful textures in your hair.

2. Balayage for Colour Correction

The days of having to have a solid colour after a colour correction or a complete colour change are well and truly over. The usual ‘colour strip’ or all over bleach, followed by saturating the hair with a single one-dimensional colour have been surpassed by balayage.

Not only that, balayage is also a great way of slowly changing your hair colour. It can be built up slowly over time, with the added benefit of allowing your hair to recover from chemical processing between visits. This leaves your hair in terrific condition as you go lighter or brighter in hair colour. Colour correction has changed so much over the years—I truly believe that it has finally hit its stride with amazing hair painting techniques.

3. You Can Go Blonde, Regardless of Skin Tone

The best thing about balayage and hair painting is that you can still remain predominantly a brunette. If you suit darker shades, it is easy to keep the balayage away from your skin tone and keep you properly framed by your deeper hues. The hair painting can go as light as you like without dominating or over powering your natural or artificial darker hair colour. Balayage and hair painting are great ways of having the hair colour that you want as opposed to what your skin tone will allow.

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4. Make that Hair Colour Last

Balayage and hair painting are the best techniques for hair colour longevity. Even in the heavies of applications, we keep the colour away from your hair root. As such, as your balayage ages, it looks even better rather than worse, as is the tendency with traditional foiling techniques. In most cases, balayage and hair painting actually get better as they age, making touch-ups few and far between. It is  normal for balayage to be drawn out to last 6 months at a minimum, to over a year! Balayage really does age well, and because you are not putting your hair through a colour process every 6 to 8 weeks, your hair retains its health which always leads to better looking and feeling hair.

5. Save that Money

Initially, balayage and hair painting techniques can be a little more expensive, but because of their longevity, you save big bucks on your hair colour! If you usually opt for highlights or foils, you’re likely spending a couple of hundred dollars every 6 to 8 weeks. With balayage or hair painting, your first appointment may be a little more expensive, but your hair colour will last for several months, and even up to a year in some instances! All this means that you can have the most amazing looking hair without having to save endlessly for it—fabulous hair without the financial anxiety!

6. Make Sure You Find A Good Balayage or Hair Painting Technician

As balayage is a very popular, on-trend hair colouring technique, there are a lot of claims being made about experience and quality in the hairdressing industry at the moment. Balayage is a precise technique which takes practice, knowledge and experience. Balayage and hair painting are more than just hair colouring techniques—your stylist must have the ability to choose the right tone for your look and right products to get your hair colour to where you want it to go. So, you need to do a little research into your hairdresser before taking the plunge. Be sure that you’re choosing someone with the skills and experience to turn your hair dream into a hair reality.

At Delilah, we have trained with the best for a very long time, including MUK Haircare, which is home to the wonderfully talented and internationally renowned Lia Mei. Lia Mei is one of the world’s best balayage and hair paining specialists with whom we have been lucky enough to train with extensively. At Delilah, we are 100% dedicated to keeping up with and creating the latest trends and technology in balayage, giving you the peace of mind that your new ‘do’ will be exactly what you were hoping for.

BOOK ONLINE or come and see us for the best balayage and hair painting at our amazing studio in Brunswick East in Melbourne, let the b beautiful Lygon St be the place for your next amazing hair experience!


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